
Pioneer in the treatment of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia

A pioneering treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, without scalpel and bleeding, which puts an end to side effects such as erectile dysfunction and incontinence, was brought to Greece by the team of urologists U4U. This is Rezum, a method of injecting steam through the urethra, which shrinks the hypertrophic prostate, relieving the male population suffering from this common condition. In fact, the treatment proves to be very effective, although it is minimally invasive and does not require a surgical approach.

Rezum treatment has been used in the United States for 5 years with FDA approval and with excellent results. In England it is reimbursed by the NHS and is an official indication for the treatment of prostate hyperplasia.

Rezum treatment is a game changer and utilizes natural energy that is “stored” in a few drops of water to shrink the swollen prostate. No incisions, no general anesthesia, allows the patient to return to his daily routine on the same day, keeping the erectile function intact and improving urination.

Essentially, Rezum treatment utilizes the thermodynamic properties of water, with water vapor playing a catalytic role in the process. The thermal energy targets hyperplasia and kills the diseased cells of the prostate, without affecting the adjacent tissues.

This innovative technique is suitable for men over 50 years with dysuric symptoms and prostate volume from 30 to 80 cubic centimeters. It is also ideal for the treatment of prostate hyperplasia in the central zone or in the middle lobe.

The process of Rezum

The system used to perform Rezum therapy consists of a radiofrequency generator and a disposable transurethral feeding device, which has a built-in 30-degree cystoscope lens. A radio frequency circuit generates thermal energy in the form of water vapor which is transmitted through a needle to the transurethral device.

This is done in doses of 9 seconds in the prostate adenoma. The depth at which the needle penetrates is about 10 mm. At each 9-second dose, sterile water vapor is injected into the affected prostate tissue. When water vapor reaches the tissue, all the stored energy is released. In fact, upon contact with the tissue, which has body temperature, water vapor condenses. This change in liquid form results in energy being diffused into the cell membranes of the target tissue, causing them to get absorbed.

U4U means Knowledge, Experience, Specialization

Each doctor added to the U4U team is already a top specialist in his field.

But as medical research and technology evolve, it is necessary to constantly train all

of our doctors on developments and new technologies.

At U4U, we are investing in training and specializing all of our associates for even better

services to you, our patients.