Dr. Konstantinos Gagalidis u4u urology

Dr. Konstantinos Gagalidis

Urologist surgeon

General information

Urologist Konstantinos Gagalidis studied at the A.U. of Thessaloniki and completed his specialisation in urology at the ‘G. Gennimatas’ General Hospital of Thessaloniki. He is a doctoral candidate at the Medical School of the A.U.T. Since 2014 he has a private practice in Xanthi and he is an associate of the U4U team.

Academic studies and training

Dr. Konstantinos Gagalidis graduated from the 1st General High School of Xanthi with a 19.3 graduation mark. He studied Medicine at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki from where he graduated with a mark of 6.72. He specialised in urology in Thessaloniki at the Gennimatas Hospital. He is a Scientific Associate of the 1st Clinic of Urology at the AUT. He has many activities within his specialty like attending seminars on Clinical Sexology, but also outside his specialty like the School of Social Sciences on the topic of Management of Health Units. He is a Fellow of the European Board of Uorlogy (FEBU) and he is licensed to carry out ultrasound tests of the renal system.

After completing his specialisation he returned to Xanthi where since 2014he has a private practice. Dr. Konstantinos Gagalidis sees many patients with urological problems and performs minor procedures in his consulting rooms (cysteoscopies, circumcisions etc.)

Professional experience

After finishing his specialisation he returned to Xanthi where since 2014 he has a private practice. He sees many patients with urological problems and performs minor procedures in his consulting rooms (cysteoscopies, circumcisions etc.)


He was awarded with best essay at the 10th Macedonian Urology Symposium on the topic of ‘How can the MIllin prostatectomy influence the symptoms of urination, the sexual situation and the quality of life for patients with benign hyperplasia of the prostate’. After a scholarship by the Institute for the Study of Urological Conditions to the Urotour programme 2015, he visited the University Urological clinic of Rangueil Hospital in Toulouse, France.

In May 2014 he got a scholarship by the Hellenic Urological Association for his dissertation with subject the ‘Protein Immunohistochemical Expression Relating to the Path of Hypoxia of the Tumours in Kidney Cancer and their Correlation with Clinical Laboratory Indexes’. He was also awarded by the Hellenic Olympic Committee for promoting Medical Volunteering as a member of the Board of Directors of the Medical Students’ Scientific Association in Greece. He has many essays and announcements relating to his specialty.