Robotic Hifu Focal One

Robotic Hifu Focal One

“Hifu Focal One is the most well-known technique of focal therapies for prostate cancer and is expected to prevail over the next few years. The main concern of the Urologist is to offer the patient not only longevity but also good quality of life.”

Focal Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Focal treatment in the strategy for the treatment of prostate cancer is playing an increasing role internationally.

Combining the latest developments in imaging and healing technologies, HIFU Focal One offers us the answer to our demands for ideal focal treatment.

The exact fusion of MRI imaging, minimally invasive technique, robotic precision, and high energy intensity HIFU (High Intensity Focal Ultrasound), at the same time as evaluating treatment at the end of this, allow us to suggest what is most revolutionary nowadays in the treatment of prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer in men and involves a significant number of patients.

HIFU focal one focused treatment of prostate cancer

In order to be successful, the following conditions are needed:

  • Accurate mapping of cancer with biopsy fusion
  • Targeted treatment using HIFU Focal One
  • Direct recheck of the result

The revolution in the treatment of localized prostate cancer

See the video of the Robotic HIFU Focal One presentation

U4U means Knowledge, Experience, Specialization

Each doctor added to the U4U team is already a top specialist in his field. But as medical research and technology evolve, it is necessary to constantly train all of our doctors on developments and new technologies.

At U4U, we are investing in training and specializing all of our associates for even better services to you, our patients.

HIFU Focal One for prostate cancer

Focal Treatment
of Prostate Cancer


Robotic HIFU Focal One presentation
